Fire Science
What will my classes be like?
This course is designed to prepare students for the transition to an EMT-Basic Program, a municipal fire department, explorer post, college fire science program, and/or future employment in the fire science field. As you train to become a firefighter, you'll learn how to protect lives and property through essential firefighting skills. Begin by learning fire behavior, fire chemistry, forcible entry, and search and rescue techniques. Practice what you've learned by performing drills with ropes, ladders, hoses, and a fire engine. Ride along with local fire departments to see the skills you've learned in action.
Program Description
This program allows students to explore and prepare for a possible career in Fire Service. The course is taught by Professional Firefighters. Students will gain lab experience on-site at Bloomington and Normal Fire Stations. Students will learn technical and manipulative skills. Those skills include, but are not limited to the following areas of study: fire behavior, safety, self-contained breathing apparatus, turnout gear use, portable fire extinguishers, ladders and ladder use, fire hose, and appliances, building construction, forcible entry, ventilation, water supply, nozzles and fire streams, rescue, fire control, and ropes and knots. The students will be offered the opportunity to participate in Skills USA, completion of other fire science students in Illinois.
All students will need to have a current physical on file with BACC for enrollment in this program. Students must be in good physical condition to enroll in the course, as training will include climbing stairs and crawling with additional equipment and supplies.
This program will offer Dual Credit with Illinois Central College: FS 110, 3 credits & FS 113, 3 credits possible.
The student will also have the opportunity to receive an EMR “Emergency Medical Responder” certification and CPR certification.
Employment Opportunities
Career Fire Fighter
Contract Fire Fighter
Fire Chief
Fire Fighting Instructor
Fire Investigator
Fire Prevention Officer
Fire Service Officer
Industrial Fire Fighter
Paid-On-Call Fire Fighter
Senior Fire Service Officer
Specialty Certifications
Volunteer Fire Fighter
Contact Information
Email Clayton Matteson, Instructor
Watch the video of the hands-on experience and training you receive here at the Bloomington Area Career Center!