About our PTO

About Our Parent Teacher Organization

The Oakland Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is committed to supporting our teachers and school staff in new and innovative ways so they can best serve our children and providing engaged and dynamic participation in all capacities of our volunteer duties including sharing ideas and insights, run fundraisers, or volunteering at family and school events.

At Oakland Elementary School, student learning and teaching practices are enhanced through the commitment of our supportive parent organization. Our parent volunteers serve in many significant ways.

Through fundraising, the PTO has provided needed instructional technology, increased our library collection with award winning books, and helped maintain the beauty of the school grounds. We host family events and support our dedicated teachers in the classroom.

PTO Meetings are generally the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Childcare is provided free of charge for children age 3 and over.

Contact the PTO Board

We would love to hear from your. We are available to answer your questions and listen to your ideas. Help us build an even stronger PTO!

PTO Board of Directors

For general questions and feedback to the PTO Board of Directors email Oakland PTO..

Volunteer or Make a Donation

Papa John's
Use code OAKLAND30 to receive 30% off and Oakland PTO will get 10% back! Good all year long!

Kroger Community Rewards
Create or log into your Kroger Community Rewards account and enter code 11600 for Oakland PTO. When checking out, use the app or enter your phone number and we will start earning rewards!

Committee Chairs

  • Book Fair - Emily McClintick

  • Communication - Sara Ross

  • Dine to Donate - Theresa Meadors

  • Facebook - Sara Ross

  • Family Fun Night - Theresa Meadors

  • Hospitality - Heather Pankey

  • Room Parents - Yazmin Gordon

  • School Supply Kits - Theresa Meadors

  • Fundraising - Crystal Moulton

  • Field Day - Theresa Meadors

  • Spirit Wear - Theresa Meadors