Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

DEI Committee Purpose
Listen to staff, students, families, and community on District 87 policies, programs, and procedures.
Examine human resources and professional development opportunities to increase awareness.
Make recommendations for continuation or changes to policies, programs, or procedures.
Acquire tangible outcomes for all of the above goals.
Bloomington Public Schools is fortunate and proud to be the second most diverse school district in the state of Illinois. We are committed to serving all students’ educational, social, and mental health needs through the educational process. We know that our programs, curriculum, instructional strategies, policies, and responses must reflect our commitment to our community and the diverse needs of our learners.
District 87 has been committed to working with our community on social issues. We believe that our partnerships and relationships make District 87 an outstanding district. However, we also acknowledge that there is always more learning to do. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee was established in January 2021 to outline actions that will strengthen our commitment to our district philosophy regarding the educational environment: We will promote mutual respect, an appreciation for student and staff diversity, and the importance of family and community engagement in order to provide a supportive learning environment in which students can succeed.
Members of this committee include over 85 volunteer staff members from all District 87 schools, grade bands, community members, and students. The format includes three subcommittees — the Human Resources Subcommittee, the Curriculum and PD Subcommittee, and the Listening and Learning Subcommittee. A Coordinating Council oversees the subcommittees to collect updates and share feedback and direction. Each committee meets monthly.
Agendas and resources from subcommittee meetings are available on this page. If you have any questions or feedback for the DEI Committee, Send us an Email.