Loren Christie image

🎉 🦉 Join Us in Welcoming Loren Christie to Oakland as a PE teacher! Last year Loren was teaching PE at Olympia Middle School, but this year she chose to join the D87 family because of the rich diversity among students and the way different cultures and traditions are embraced and celebrated in our district. Passionate about teaching elementary PE, her favorite age group, Loren holds a special place in her heart for young learners and loves making a positive difference in their lives. When not teaching, Loren loves spending time outdoors with her husband, 7-year-old son, and 3-month-old daughter. They cycle, run kayak, hike, ice-climb, rock climb, backpack, and mountain bike together-- they are truly living an active lifestyle outside of school! Her healthy lifestyle is hugely important, and she loves to educate her students on the benefits of leading a fun, healthy, and active lifestyle!🏃‍♀️🚴‍♀️🧗‍♀️ We are so happy she will be joining the Oakland Owls and spreading her love of fitness to our students! Welcome abroad, Loren! We're thrilled to have such an inspiring PE teacher join the Oakland Owls. Welcome aboard, Loren!🎉