Lunch Program
School Lunch Menus are sent home or
To be more eco-friendly, our district now offers menus online. You may access your school menus anytime, from any device. View the online menus here or download the Nutrislice app from the Apple or Google stores.
Lunch Options:
Kindergarten students may choose the main/hot lunch option, peanut butter & jelly with Goldfish and cheese or to bring a home lunch ONLY.
Students in grades 1-5 may choose the following options in place of the hot lunch option for the day: salad with roll, yogurt with crackers & cheese, peanut butter & jelly with Goldfish & cheese, meat & cheese sandwich, cocoa bites with Goldfish & cheese cubes. All options come served with milk, a side item, fruit and/or a vegetable option. If you plan to join your child for lunch, please be sure to call the office before 9:15 on the day of to inform them if you are ordering a school lunch so we can inform the café to add it to the meal prep total.
Note from the Kitchen Staff:
We in the kitchen love for parent/family members to join their students almost as much as the students themselves do! If you plan to do so, please keep in mind that we can't take your meal charge out of your child's lunch account. The accounts are not set up that way. Also, being an elementary school, we do not have a lot of change on site, so please try to take the exact amount of change or let us put your change on your child's account. Thank you!
Lunch Account Payments:
You may pay online - you will need your child's five digit ID number to set up an account. If you or your child do not know their ID number, you may call the office. You may also add money to your child's lunch account using cash or check. Please write your child/children's names, grades and teachers or student ID #s on the checks or envelope so the café can identify which account to add the funds to. Click here to see the 2023-2024 meal prices.
Free & Reduced forms are available online. Use the following link to access the page District Website food & nutrition Page
Note: If your child qualifies for a free/reduced lunch and they bring a home lunch and needs a milk, that is not free. They must get a FULL lunch to be considered a free/reduced lunch. Getting a milk is only 50 cents, so please either send them milk money or put milk money in their account.