Pickup/Dismissal Procedures
Before School
Students are NOT to arrive before 8:45am unless they are participating in the YWCA program or eating breakfast at school.
If going to the YWCA program or eating breakfast kids must enter through the cafeteria doors.
Breakfast begins at 8:30am please do not drop off before this time.
Bus students will eat breakfast when the bus arrives at the school.
Please have your child to school by the time the final bell rings at 8:55.
Tardy bell rings at 9:00am
After School
If the method of pick up changes please contact the school no later than 12:00pm.
We understand things come up, but please do not call at dismissal to make a change.
It could be too late and we might not be able to catch the child before they leave the building.
Students should be picked up promptly at 3:15pm and no later than 3:30pm.