graphic and text from post of Nikki Piercy

πŸŽ‰πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Today we would like to welcome Ms. Nikki Piercy to D87 and BJHS! Nikki is coming to us from Unit 5 and is teaching 6th-grade science and math to our Knights this year. Nikki loves teaching 6th grade and is excited about the smaller teams, multiple subject areas, and the Roundtable at BJHS. This year she is looking forward to everything, she is excited to be a part of D87 (and we are more than thrilled to have you Nikki!).

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Fun Facts: Nikki has 2 dogs 🐢🐢 and 1 cat 🐱 (but says she's a huge dog lover). She loves fantasies and mysteries for reading πŸ“š and watching 🎬- Lord of the Rings is her favorite movie series and Harry Potter is her favorite book series!

#WelcomeNikkiPiercy #NewStaffWednesday #WeAreD87