🎉The 100th day of school is fast approaching on January 31st (can you believe it??!!), and D87 is gearing up for a "Battle of the Buildings"! 🏫🥊 Our goal: Get as close as possible to 100% attendance on the 100th day of school! The school with the most improved attendance (compared to the 100th day of school last year) will be recognized on D87 social media. 🏆🎊 This fun initiative aims to show the importance of attendance. 📚✅ While it's a friendly competition, we understand that a sick student won't be able to attend. Stay healthy, everyone! ❤️‍🩹 #BattleOfTheBuildings #100thDayOfSchool #D87Challenge #WeAreD87 🎉¡Los 100 días de escuela se acercan y serán el 31 de enero ( ¡ ¡¿¿Lo puedes creer??!!), y el D87 se está encaminando a una Batalla de Escuelas¡ 🏫🥊 Nuestra meta: ¡Llegar tan cerca como nos sea posible del 100% de asistencia en el día 100 de la escuela! La escuela con el mejor nivel de asistencia (comparado con el resultado de los 100 días del año pasado) será reconocido en los medios sociales.🏆🎊 Esta divertida iniciativa muestra la importancia de la asistencia. 📚✅ Mientras es una competencia amistosa, entendemos que un estudiante enfermo no podra atender. ¡Manténganse sanos!❤️‍🩹 #BatalladeEscuelas #100diasdeEscuela #RetoD87 #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Battle of the Buildings graphic
🎉 Oakland School had its One School, One Book kickoff! 📚🎈 An all-school assembly started with a rescue pet visit and videos 🐾🤗 (hmmm, could this be tied to the book they will be reading together?) and then, the Oakland Owls were in for an awesome surprise: they got to vote on which animal to adopt together as a school (Owl, Monkey, Lizard, Otter)! 🦉🐒🦎🦦(an animal adoption from afar, the chosen animal will not be visiting Oakland) The assembly ended with the big reveal of this year's school book - "A Boy Called BAT" 📖✨ Each classroom received a wrapped present containing a book for every student. 🎁🌟 Can anyone guess the lucky animal Oakland decided to adopt? 🔍🧐🦉🐒🦎🦦 Leave your answer in the comments! ⬇️ #OneSchoolOneBook #OaklandOwls #ABigReveal #AdoptAnAnimal #WeAreD87 🎉 ¡La escuela de Oakland realizó el despegue de Una Escuela,Un Libro! 📚🎈 Y la asamblea escolar inició con la visita de una mascota recatada y videos. 🐾🤗 (¿Hmmm pudiese haber una conexión entre esto y el libro que van a leer juntos?) y luego, los Búhos de Oakland recibieron una asombrosa sorpresa: ¡votaron por el animal que van a adoptar como escuela (búho, mono, lagarto o nutria)!🦉🐒🦎🦦 La asamblea terminó con la revelación de del libro de este año - “Un Chico llamado BAT” 📖✨ Cada salón de clases recibió un regalo envuelto que contenía un libro para cada estudiante. 🎁🌟 ¿Pueden adivinar el suertudo animal que la escuela Oakland decidió adoptar? 🔍🧐 ¡Deja tu respuesta en los comentarios!⬇️ #UnaEscuelaUnLIbro #BuhosdeOakland #GranRevelacion #AdoptaunAnimal #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Kickoff assembly
Rescue pets and handlers
kids at assembly
Adoption Choices
wrapped books
open package of books
A boy called bat book  reveal
kids at assembly
📣Attention D87 families and friends! The Eastern Illinois Foodbank Foodmobile 🚚🍎will be at Normal West High School tomorrow morning (Sat. January, 20th) from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Anyone in McLean County who is in need of food is welcome. 🍞🍏🥦 Please help spread the word to anyone who may be in need. 💙🤝 #EasternIllinoisFoodbank #CommunitySupport #McleanCounty #WeAreD87 📣¡Atención familias del D87 y amigos! El banco de alimentos móvil de Eastern Illinois 🚚🍎 estará en la escuela preparatoria de Normal West, el dia de mañana, sábado 20 de enero a las 1030 am. Cualquier persona en el condado de McLean que necesite alimentos es bienvenida. 🍞🍏🥦 Por favor ayúdanos a pasar la voz para que esta información llegue a quien la necesita. 💙🤝 #BancodeAlimentosdeEasternIllinois #ApoyoenlaComunidad #CondadodeMcLean #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Foodmobile graphic
🍴 History came to life in a BJHS classroom!🎩 Our very own Mr. Krukowski introduced 8th-grade social sciences students to the realities of the Great Depression. 👨‍🏫 During that time, food was scarce, and people had to get creative, often making everyday moments a little more joyful with playful food arrangements. 🐰🥗 Keeping that in mind, the students put their creativity to the test, crafting Bunny Salads as a nod to the past -- a fun simulation to complement their learning! 🐰📚 Learning history through such engaging activities makes it much more fun and relatable! Kudos to Mr. Krukowski and our Knights! 🙌 #BJHSHistory #GreatDepressionLessons #LivingHistory #WeAreD87 🍴 La historia volvió a la vida en los salones de BJHS! 🎩 Nuestro propio Sr. Krukowski introdujo a los estudiantes de ciencias sociales de 8vo grado a la realidad de la Gran Depresión. 👨‍🏫 Durante ese tiempo, la comida fue escasa y la gente tuvo que volverse creativa, frecuentemente tuvieron que hacer de cada momento algo alegre y disfrutar de los arreglos de comida. 🐰🥗 Teniendo eso en mente, los estudiaron pusieron su creatividad a prueba, creando Ensaladas de Conejo como una remembranza del pasado – ¡una divertida simulación para complementar su aprendizaje! 🐰📚 ¡Aprender historia a través de actividades tan enriquecedoras lo hace mucho más divertido y real! ¡Kudos al Sr. Krukowski y a nuestros knights!🙌 #HistoriaenBJHS #LeccionesdelaGranDepresion #ReviviendolaHistoria #SomosD8
5 months ago, District 87
Teacher and Students making Bunny Salad
Student's Bunny Salad
Student and his Bunny Salad
Bunny Salad
Students making bunny salad
Teacher teaching in class
Bunny Salad
Next up on our 7 Mindsets is: Embrace the power of the 100% Accountable Mindset! 💪🧡 This Mindset teaches us the vital importance of being responsible for our own happiness and success. 💯🏆 It's a lesson in refusing to be victims of the past and acknowledging that our future is not set in stone. Our lives are the series of choices we make in the present moment and each moment moving forward. 🔄💫 Claim the driver's seat and chart your own course! 🗺🚀 Start now, own your life, and be #100percentAccountable! #100%Accountable #MindsetMatters #OwnYourLife #WeAreD87 Lo siguiente en 7 Mentalidades es: ¡Abraza el Poder de la Mentalidad de 100% Responsable! 💪🧡 Esta Mentalidad nos enseña la vital importancia de ser responsable de nuestra propia felicidad y éxito. 💯🏆 Esta es una lección para rehusarse a seguir siendo víctimas del pasado y de reconocer que nuestro futuro no está escrito en piedra. Nuestra vida es la serie de decisiones que tomamos en el momento presente y cada momento avanza. 🔄💫 ¡Reclama la silla del conductor y encamínate a tu propio camino! 🗺🚀 Comienza ahora, ¡adueñate de tu vida y se 100% Responsable! #100%Responsable #LaMentalidadImporta #AduenatedetuVida #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
7 mindsets graphic English
7 mindsets graphic Spanish
🎉 It's Therapy Dog Thursday at Irving! 🐶🥰 Irving is the newest D87 school to welcome a furry friend to its ranks! Charlie🐶 will be visiting Irving every Thursday, bringing his wagging tail and spreading joy among our students. 🐾🎈 Today, Charlie made his first stop in Mrs. Schwetz's 1st-grade class. The students were dog gone happy to pet Charlie and ask questions about him! 🐕💖 Irving is loving Therapy Dog Thursday! Here's to many more moments of fun and furry cuddles! 🎊 #IrvingSchool #TherapyDogThursday #CharlieTheTherapyDog #WeAreD87 🎉¡Es Jueves día de Terapia Perruna en la escuela de Irving!🐶🥰 Irving es la nueva escuela del D87 que da la bienvenida a un ¡nuevo miembro peludo a sus filas! Charlie! 🐶 quien estará visitando la escuela Irving cada jueves, llevando con él su alegre cola y repartiendo alegría a los estudiantes. 🐾🎈 Hoy, Charlie realizó su primera parada en la clase de 1er año de Mrs. Schwetz’s. ¡Los estudiantes se volvieron locos de felicidad y llenaron de caricias a Charlie y realizaron una serie de preguntas acerca de él. 🐕💖 ¡La escuela de Irving está amando el jueves de Terapia Perruna! ¡Esperamos muchos más momentos de diversión y abrazos peludos! 🎊 #EscuelaIrving #JuevesdeTerapiaPerruna #CharlieelPerrodeTerapia #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Charlie the therapy dog
Charlie in the classroom
Student petting Charlie
Charlie in the classroom
student petting charlie
Student petting Charlie
Student petting Charlie
Charlie and 2 teachers
📸 Picture perfect moment at Sarah Raymond! 😍 Custodian, Mr. Mark, was spotted lending a helping hand to one of our Rookies this morning while heading into school. 🏫 Moments like these remind us of the amazing community we have here at Sarah Raymond and in District 87! 👏 Thank you, Mr. Mark, for going the extra mile! 🌟 #SarahRaymond #CustodianHero #WeAreD87
6 months ago, District 87
Mr. Mark helping a student into school
🐯 Last week, Stevenson Tigers embarked on a glowing adventure! 🌟Each class completed an escape room with 6 challenges. The students had to demonstrate their knowledge about Stevenson School expectations in order to escape a Yeti! 😮 📚 Stevenson Tigers are "Yeti for 2024"! 🎉 💪🏻 Let's go, Tigers! #StevensonTigers #YetiFor2024 #EscapeRoomChallenge #WeAreD87 🐯La semana pasad los Tigres de Stevenson se embarcaron en una ¡brillante aventura! 🌟 Cada clase completo un escape del salón con 6 retos. Los estudiantes tuvieron que demostrar su conocimiento acerca de las expectativas de la escuela Stevenson para poder escapar de un Yeti!😮 📚 Los Tigres de Stevenson son “Yetis para el 2024” 🎉 💪🏻 ¡Vamos Tigres! #TigresdeStevenson #Yetipor2024 #RetodeEscapedelSalon #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
kids working on the escaep room
kids who completed their escape room
glowing escape room
kids who completed their escape room
Escap room set up
📢 IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR DISTRICT 87 FAMILIES Due to the ongoing extreme temperatures, all District 87 schools will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 16. However, we're not letting the cold🥶 disrupt our learning! We will be utilizing an eLearning day, and further details and instructions for these activities will be shared out. Make sure your child participates so they are marked present for the day! 🖥️👨‍🏫 We are looking forward to welcoming our students back in the warm halls of the school on Wednesday. Please stay tuned to the website, emails, and social media for additional information regarding afternoon activities or additional cancellations. We appreciate your understanding and support while we prioritize the safety of our students during these extreme weather conditions. 🌨️❄️ Please stay warm and safe! #SchoolClosure #eLearningDay #StaySafeStayWarm #WeAreD87
6 months ago, District 87
It's cold out graphic
Today, we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His timeless vision for equality, justice, and peaceful coexistence continues to inspire our classrooms. Students in Mrs. Hoepner's Sarah Raymond class display their vision by making hearts with their hands. Let's follow this example and embody the values of respect, love, and unity every day. #MLK #Respect #Equality #Peace #WeAreD87 Hoy, honramos la vida y el legado del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Su eterna visión de igualdad, justicia y convivencia pacífica sigue inspirando a nuestras aulas. Los estudiantes de la clase Sarah Raymond de la Sra. Hoepner muestran su visión haciendo corazones con sus manos. Sigamos todos este ejemplo y encarnemos los valores de respeto, amor y unidad todos los días. #MLK #Respeto #Igualdad #Paz
6 months ago, District 87
MLK day graphic with photo of preschool kids making a heart wit their hands
🎉We're excited to introduce our dedicated students - Janna Al-Shabah, Jacqueline Benson, Kamorah Carter, Sanyah Carter, Cardella Joyce, Bethany Warren, and Jaron Zehr - who have stepped forward to serve as Peer Mediators. They're set to play a pivotal role in aiding their peers in conflict resolution. 🕊️ Embracing restorative practices, this new layer of support is aimed at sharpening students' conflict management skills, bolstering their social capabilities, and ensuring everyone feels accepted and at ease within the #BHSFamily. 💝 These mediators have undergone training to refine their mediation skills, 🌟 and we can't wait to see their contributions towards the collective success of BHS! Join us in celebrating Janna, Jacqueline, Kamorah, Sanyah, Cardella, Bethany, and Jaron! 🏫 🎉👏 #PeerMediators #RestorativePractices #WeAreConnected #ConflictResolution #StudentLeaders #BHSFamily #WeAreD87 🎉 Estamos muy emocionados de presentar a los dedicados estudiantes que se han instruido como Compañeros Mediadores - Janna Al-Shabah, Jacqueline Benson, Kamorah Carter, Sanyah Carter, Cardella Joyce, Bethany Warren y Jaron Zehr. Ellos están listos para jugar un rol muy importante en ayudar a sus compañeros en la resolución de conflictos. 🕊️ Con base en las prácticas restaurativas, esta nueva capa de apoyo está brindando soporte y está ayudando a confeccionar las habilidades del manejo del conflicto en los estudiantes, incrementando sus habilidades sociales y asegurando que todos se sientan aceptados y en sintonía con #FamiliadeBHS.💝 Estos Mediadores han tomado entrenamiento para reafirmar sus habilidades mediadoras, 🌟¡y no podemos esperar para ver sus contribuciones al éxito colectivo en BHS! ¡Acompananos a celebrar a Janna, Jacqueline, Kamorah, Sanyah, Cardella, Bethany y Jaron! 🏫 🎉👏 #CompanerosMediadores #PracticasRestaurativas #ResolucióndeProblemas #LideresEstudiantiles #FamiliadeBHS #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
Peer mediator photo
A huge round of applause for Leslie Blockman, our dedicated Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) coordinator, who has just been recognized by the Regional Office of Education for her exceptional work! 👏👏 Leslie has made a significant impact on our SEL programs and has successfully introduced the 7 Mindsets curriculum for all D87 students. Her enthusiasm in sharing these essential mindset skills has greatly enriched the learning experience for all our students and their families. 🌍📚 🎉 Congratulations, Leslie! 🎉 Your recognition is truly well-deserved, and we are immensely proud to have you as part of our team. Thank you for your outstanding service and for making a positive difference every single day! 🎖️💐 #D87Success #CelebratingExcellence #SELCoordinator #SocialEmotionalLearning #7Mindsets #MakingADifference #WeAreD87
6 months ago, District 87
Graphic of Leslie Blockman
🔔 Learning Opportunity Alert in District 87! 🔔 Interested in learning English or know someone who is? D87 is hosting an Adult Education Class specifically designed for families and friends who want to learn English! 📚Join us for an informational session to learn more! This will be held at Irving School on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:30 pm. 🏫🕠 Please share this with any family or friends who could benefit from this free. Childcare and tutoring will be available🌉 🌐 We hope to see you there! #AdultEducation #EnglishLearning #LanguageInclusion #LearningTogether #WeAreD87 🔔 Alerta de Oportunidad de Aprendizaje en el Distrito 87!🔔 ¿Interesados en aprender Ingles o conoces a alguien que lo esta? El D87 está ofreciendo una Clase de Educación para Adultos especialmente diseñada para familias y amigos que quieran aprender Inglés! 📚 ¡Unete a nosotros en una sesión informativa para saber mas de esto! Esto se llevará a cabo en la escuela Irving el día martes 16 de enero a las 5:30 pm. 🏫🕠 Por favor comparte esta información con tu familia y amigos quienes se podrían beneficiar de esto y es totalmente gratuito. Hay tutoría y servicio de guardería disponible 🌉 🌐 ¡Esperamos verte ahí! #EducacionparaAdultos #AprendiendoIngles #InclusiondelLenguaje #AprendiendoJuntos #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
Learn English Graphic
🎈D87 Love & Logic Parenting Workshop - Save The Dates! 🎈 Attention D87 Families! 📢 We're thrilled to announce that we're hosting a Love & Logic Parenting Workshop! 🎉🖋️ Please RSVP by scanning the QR code below or filling out this form: https://forms.gle/caE2V5PcoLP9adrJ6
6 months ago, District 87
love and logic graphic
🎈D87 Love & Logic Parenting Workshop - Save The Dates! 🎈 Attention D87 Families! 📢 We're thrilled to announce that we're hosting a Love & Logic Parenting Workshop! 🎉🖋️ Join us in-person on Tuesday, February 27th from 5pm-7pm, or virtually on Wednesday, March 6th from 5:30pm-6:45pm. Gain valuable insights into effective parenting techniques, connect with other parents, and deepen your bond with your child. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕 Please RSVP by scanning the QR code below or filling out this form: https://forms.gle/caE2V5PcoLP9adrJ6 Mark your calendars and connect with us for a fun and insightful session! 👏🌟 #LoveAndLogic #ParentingWorkshop #WeAreD87 🎈 Agenda la fecha para el ¡Taller de Paternidad: Amor y Lógica!🎈 ¡Atención Familias del D87!📢 Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar que tendremos un ¡Taller de Paternidad titulado Amor y Lógica!🎉🖋️ Únase a nosotros en persona el día martes, 27 de febrero de 5pm-7pm, o virtualmente el día miércoles , 6 de marzo de 5:30 a 6:45pm. Obtenga valiosa información acerca de las técnicas de paternidad, conecte con otros padres y refuerce el lazo con su estudiante. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💕 Por favor reserve su asistencia escaneando el código de barras que se encuentra debajo o llene el siguiente formulario: https://forms.gle/caE2V5PcoLP9adrJ6 ¡Marque su calendario y participe para una sesión de noche divertida e importante! 👏🌟 #AmoryLogica #TallerdePaternidad #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
laove and logic graphic
We're waking up to some cold, wet, and snowy weather today, but let it not dampen our spirits, because school is still in session! 📚🌧️ Let's beat the chill together and make today a productive and fun-filled learning day! 🧥☂️ Keep safe, stay warm, and see you in school! #D87 #RainOrShine #LearningContinues #WeAreD87 Estamos despertando en un clima frío,húmedo y nevado, pero no dejemos que eso apague nuestro espíritu, porque ¡la escuela estará abierta el día de hoy!📚🌧️ ¡Combatamos el frío juntos y hagamos del día de hoy un día productivo y lleno de aprendizaje! 🧥☂️ ¡Mantente a salvo, abrigado y nos vemos en la escuela! #D87 #LluevaoBrille #ElAprendizajeContinua #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
weather graphic
🌟Mrs. Carrasco's class for newcomers honored two students who have grown significantly in their English and are transitioning to a new round table class this semester at BJHS!📚👏 Students and teachers brought delicious dishes to share as they celebrated together!🍽️😋 #GrowthAndTransition #WayToGo #Congratulations #WeAreD87 🌟 La clase de estudiantes de Nuevo Ingreso de Mrs Carrasco, honró a dos estudiantes que han avanzado significativamente en su manejo del idioma Inglés y en este semestre van a transicionar a ¡otra clase de mesa redonda en BJHS! 📚👏 ¡Los estudiantes y los maestros llevaron deliciosos platillos para compartir y celebrar juntos! 🍽️😋 #CrecimientioyTransicion #VanporBuenCamino #Felicidades #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
2 students that graduated from the program
student and his certificate
student and his certificate
Classroom celebrating
yummy treats
yummy treats
yummy treats
We hope you had a joyful and restful winter break! ❄️☕️ Now it's time to pack those backpacks and sharpen those pencils, because school is back in session tomorrow, Monday, January 8! 📚🎒 We can't wait to welcome you back into our classrooms and kick-start a new semester together! 🎉📆 ¡Esperamos que haya tenido unas felices y relajantes vacaciones de invierno! ❄️☕️ Ahora es el momento de hacer las mochilas y sacar punta a los lápices, ¡porque mañana lunes 8 de enero vuelven las clases! 📚🎒 ¡Estamos ansiosos por darle la bienvenida nuevamente a nuestras aulas y comenzar juntos un nuevo semestre! 🎉📆
6 months ago, District 87
classes resume graphic
Today we're highlighting some more BHS senior athletes- two exceptional members of the BHS Dance Team - Lynn Firmand and Terressa McGill! 💃🎓 As they dance through their final season, let's wish Lynn and Terressa an incredible last dance and celebrate their dedication and hard work. 🎉💜 May the entire team shine brightly and make unforgettable memories together this season! Go BHS Dance Team! 🏆 #BHSDanceTeam #SeniorDanceTeam #LastDance #WeAreD87
6 months ago, District 87
Seniors on the BHS Dance Team
💪🤼‍♂️BHS Senior Wrestlers got together for a photo as they gear up for an exciting season! Here they are, ready to grapple, pin and win 🏆. We can't wait to see what our senior wrestlers, along with the entire team, will achieve this season 🌟. Go BHS Wrestling team! 💥 #BHSSeniors #BHSWrestling #WrestlingSeniors #WeAreD87 💪🤼‍♂️ ¡Los Luchadores Senior de BHS se reunieron para una foto mientras se preparan para una emocionante temporada! Aquí están listos para tomar, rodear y ganar🏆. No podemos esperar para ver lo que nuestros luchadores seniors, junto con el resto del equipo, lograran esta temporada. ¡Vamos Equipo de Luchadores de BHS! 💥 #SeniorsBHS #LuchadoresBHS #LuchadoresSenior #SomosD87
6 months ago, District 87
BHS senior wrestlers!