The Tech Club at Sheridan is officially up and running! Our talented Sharks are getting a taste of graphic design and coding under the guidance of teachers Mrs. Cocallas and Mrs. Mohr. 🖥️🎨 Some of the Tech Club members have set their sights on showcasing their newfound tech skills at the SIT (Students Involved With Technology) Conference come spring! 💪 Watch these Sharks make waves of progress in the tech world! 🦈🔝 #TechSharks #SITConference #WeAreD87 ¡El Club de Tecnología en Sheridan está oficialmente trabajando! Nuestros talentosos Tiburones están probando lo que es el diseño gráfico y codificación bajo la guía de las maestras Sra Cocallas y Sra Mohr. 🖥️🎨 ¡Algunos de los miembros del Club de Tecnología han puesto la mira en demostrar sus habilidades en la Conferencia SIT (Students Involved with Technology/Estudiantes involucrados con la Tecnología) de esta primavera!💪 ¡Observa a estos Tiburones hacer olas de progreso en el mundo tecnológico! 🦈🔝 #TiburonesTecnologicos #ConferenciaSIT #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Tech Club group photo
tech club students working
tech club students working
tech club students working
tech club students working
tech club students working
tech club students working
tech club student working
Tech club working
🎉 Teaching Tuesdays are BACK! 📚 And stay tuned for Work With Us Wednesdays too!! 🛠️ We are on the hunt to fill anticipated positions for the coming school year and have a few slots for this year as well! 🏫⁣ Are you or someone you know ready to join our team at D87 and make an impact? Please take a look and share! 🌟⁣ Join the D87 family and come grow with us! All D87 vacancies can be viewed at 👉 #WeAreD87 #ComeGrowWithUs #TeachingTuesdays #WorkWithUsWednesdays #JobsInEducation #MakingADifference #ShareTheNews 🙌🎉
5 months ago, District 87
Teaching Tuesday Graphic
Friday night BHS Key Club members participated in the #NightInACar event held by Home Sweet Home Ministries. Taking to the challenge, Michael Lyons, Hayden Wense, Lorelei Carey, Andres Castillo, and Dr. Lycke spent a night in a D87 vehicle. 🚗 Their goal? To raise awareness about community members experiencing homelessness and generate funds for the crucial services provided by HSHM. 🏠 They serve as a reminder that we can all make a difference in our community.💖 And the opportunity isn't over yet! Donations will be accepted throughout February. Join us in applauding the effort of our Key Club members for helping make a difference!🙌 #KeyClub #HSHM #CommunityService #D87DifferenceMakers #WeAreD87
5 months ago, District 87
Key Club Graphic
This past Saturday, our brilliant BHS Scholastic Bowl Team made it to the top at the Barron Robinson Memorial Tournament in Springfield! 🌟Beating 18 other talented teams, our Raiders won with an impressive overall record of 9-1. Wow! 🙌 Special shout-out to Soren Gjesfjeld, who earned top honors with the highest points per game across the tournament! 🎉 Put your hands together for our Scholastic Bowl Team! 👏 🎖️💜 #BHSVictory #ScholasticBowlChamps #PurpleRaidersPower #CelebratingSuccess #WeAreD87 🏆🔥 ¡Este sábado pasado nuestro brillante equipo de Scholastic Bowl de BHS logró llegar a los primeros lugares del Torneo en Memoria de Barron Robinson en Springfield! 🌟 ¡Pateando a 18 talentosos equipos, nuestros Raiders ganaron con un impresionante puntaje de 9-1 Wow! 🙌 ¡Un reconocimiento especial a Soren Gjesfield, quien obtuvo altos honores con los porcentajes más altos por juego a lo largo del torneo! 🎉 ¡Un fuerte aplauso para nuestro Equipo de Scholastic Bowl! 👏 🎖️💜 #BHSVictorioso #CampeonesdeScholasticBowl #PoderdelosRaidersPúrpura #CelebrandoelExito #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Scholastic bowl graphic
It's a win! Knights advance and will play the state semi-final tonight at 6:30! Go knights!
5 months ago, District 87
final score
🔍 Looking for some excitement today? Search no more! 🏀 Get ready to bring the cheer for our incredible 7th-grade boys' basketball team as the Knights take on Flossmore Parker in the first round of the State Championship Tournament! 🏆🎉 Tip-off is at 2:30 PM at Kingsley Junior High. ⏰📍 Let's flood the stands with purple and show the boys our support! 📣👏 #GoKnights #Basketball #StateChampionships #7thGradePride #WeAreD87
5 months ago, District 87
tournament graphic
📚🐺Kindergarten classes at Washington had a special visitor from the Bloomington Public Library- Mrs. Clare Baez (who also happens to be the mom of a Washington Wolf!🐾). From story time to scarf play, these kindergartners were loving every minute of the visit! #KindergartenFun #PlaytimeMagic#StoryTime #ScarfPlay #WeAreD87 📚🐺Las clases de kindergarten en Washington tuvieron una visitante especial de la Biblioteca Pública de Bloomington: la Sra. Clare Baez (¡que también es la madre de un Wolf de Washington!🐾). Desde la hora del cuento hasta el juego con bufandas, ¡estos niños de kindergarten disfrutaron cada minuto de la visita! #diversionenKindergarten #lamagiadejugar #cuentos #juegosconbufandas #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Girl throwing scarf
Guest reader reading to class
class playing with scarves with guest reader
boys playing with scarfs
kids playing with scarves
Guest reader reading book to class
class pretending sleeping
kids playing with scarves
🎉📚🍎D87 and BJHS are excited to welcome Annameekee Hesik to the D87 family! 🌟 Joining us on January 16th as the newest 8th-grade English Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Hesik has quickly made the transition from sunny California to Bloomington - and just six days after her big move to Illinois on January 10th! Back in California Mrs. Hesik was teaching high school English, so she will feel right at home teaching our Knights at BJHS!🏫 She is looking forward to becoming part of the Bloomington and D87 community, meeting new friends, and inspiring her students to have high expectations for themselves! 🎾🐶Fun facts: she would love to play some scoreless tennis with some people (any takers??) and she has a cute little corgi named Hank. We welcome Annameekee to our D87 family- we are so happy to have her! Let's give a big, heartwarming D87 welcome to Mrs. Hesik! 🥳💖 #WelcomeToTheFamily #BJHSKnights #WeAreD87 🎉📚🍎 El D87 y BJHS está muy emocionado de dar la bienvenida a Annameekee Hesik quien se une a la familia del D87!🌟 Uniéndose a nosotros el 16 de enero como la nueva maestra de artes del lenguaje inglés de octavo grado, la Sra. Hesik hizo rápidamente la transición de la soleada California a Bloomington, ¡y solo seis días después de su gran mudanza a Illinois el 10 de enero! En California, la Sra. Hesik enseñaba inglés en la escuela secundaria, ¡así que se sentirá como en casa enseñando a nuestros Knights en BJHS! 🏫 Ella espera ser parte de la comunidad de Bloomington y el D87, hacer nuevos amigos e inspirar a sus estudiantes a tener ¡altas expectativas de sí mismos! 🎾🐶Datos curiosos: le encantaría jugar tenis sin marcador con algunas personas (¿alguien interesado?) y tiene un pequeño y lindo corgi llamado Hank. Le damos la bienvenida a Annameekee a nuestra familia del D87. ¡Estamos muy felices de tenerla! ¡Démosle una gran y cálida bienvenida a la Sra. Hesik al D87! 🥳💖 #Bienvenida a la Familia #KnightsdeBJHS #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Annameekee Hesik graphic
The big reveal of the winner of the 'Battle of the Buildings' is almost here! But before we reveal the winner, let's throw it back to the spectacular centennial celebrations of learning across D87 schools. 🎓✨ Swipe through our latest album 📸 and relive the ‘100th Day of Learning’ — where creativity, enthusiasm, and academic spirits soared among students and faculty alike! 🎈 Stay on the lookout - we'll be announcing the victorious building very soon! Who do you think will take the title? 🏆👀 #D87Pride #BattleOfTheBuildings #100thDayOfLearning #WinningMomentComingSoon ¡La gran revelación del ganador de “la Batalla de Escuelas” está muy cerca! Pero antes de revelar al ganador, hablemos de lo espectacular de las celebraciones centenarias de aprendizaje a través de las escuelas del D87. 🎓✨ Checa nuestro último álbum 📸 y revive los 100 días de aprendizaje - ¡en donde la creatividad, el entusiasmo y el espíritu académico emano de los estudiantes y de los miembros del personal! 🎈 Mantente al tanto - ¡estaremos anunciando a la escuela ganadora muy pronto! ¿Quien crees que se lleve el título?🏆👀 #OrgulloD87 #BatalladeEscuelas #100DiasdeAprendizaje #MomentoGanadorestaProximo
5 months ago, District 87
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
100th day celebrations!
✨The BHS Our Not In Our School (NOIS) committee is organizing a donation drive to help the homeless in our city. 🏙️ 🗣️Urgent Call to Action: Support homeless individuals living in and outside of Home Sweet Home Ministries by donating unexpired canned goods, blankets, and tissues 🍲🧥🧼at the main entrance of Bloomington High School from Feb. 1st to the 12th. More donation options and items needed can be found at under the “Ways to Give” tab. Spread the word about this great initiative and let's unite and support our community together. 🤝 #BHSCommunity #NOIS #DonationDrive #HomelessSupport #WeAreD87 ✨ El comité de BHS de NO en Nuestra Escuela (NOIS) está organizando una campaña de donación para ayudar a las personas sin hogar de nuestra ciudad. 🏙️ 🗣️ Este es un llamado de Acción Urgente: Apoya a las personas sin hogar viviendo fuera del refugio del Ministerio Home Sweet Home, donando latas de alimento no caducadas, cobijas y pañuelos 🍲🧥🧼 en la entrada principal de la escuela de Bloomington High School del dia 1ro al 12 de Febrero. Más opciones de necesidades para donación pueden ser encontradas en bajo la opción de “Ways to give”. Pasa la voz acerca de esta gran iniciativa y unámonos para apoyar juntos a nuestra comunidad. 🤝 #Comunidad BHS #NOIS #CampanadeDonacion #ApoyoalasPersonassinHogar #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Items Needed Graphic
Items needed graphic in Spanish
📢 The 100th day of school is tomorrow! ⏰ And you know what that means? The Battle of the Buildings" for 100% attendance is heating up! !🏆 Eager to know who will outshine in this friendly competition! 🏫🆚🏫 Stay tuned as we announce the school with the most improved attendance (in comparison with our 100th day of school last year) on our D87 social media. 📸🎉 🤗 While we want everybody to be on board, we understand if a sick student can't make it! Health comes first. 💪💚 So, gear up, stay healthy, and let's make this 100th day a memorable one as we celebrate the importance of regular attendance!🎊 #BattleOfTheBuildings #100thDayOfSchool #D87Challenge #WeAreD87 📢¡Los 100 días de escuela son mañana! ⏰ Y sabes lo que eso significa? La Batalla de Escuelas” por los 100 días de asistencia está a reventar!🏆 ¡Estamos listos para saber quién saldrá victorioso de esta amigable competencia!🏫🆚🏫 Mantente atento al anuncio del ganador de la mejor asistencia (comparada a los 100 días del año anterior) en las redes sociales del D87 📸🎉 🤗¡Mientras queremos que todos estén más que dispuestos a este logro, entendemos que un estudiante enfermo debe quedarse a casa a descansar! La Salud es lo primero.💪💚 Asi que preparate, mantente sano y hagamos de estos 100 días de escuela ¡un dia memorable de lo importante que es celebrar la asistencia regular!🎊 #BatalladeEscuelas #100DiasdeEscuel #RetodelD87 #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
100 days of school flew by graphic
Stevenson School proudly kicked off its "Celebrating Differences" week 🌈🌟 Yesterday the Tigers 🐯 attended an assembly with a very special guest, Miss Molly from Easter Seals! 👩🏻‍🏫 She talked about disabilities & differences and shared her personal story and how Easter Seals helped her when she was a child. Miss Molly then spoke about the 6 important "Be's" 🔑 Be Smart 🧠 Be Kind ❤️ Be Brave 💪 Be Patient 🕰️ Be Inclusive 🤗 Be Yourself 🌟 Shout out to Miss Molly and Easter Seals for inspiring our Tigers! 🎤👏 #CelebratingDifferences #EasterSeals #InclusionMatters #WeAreD87
5 months ago, District 87
picture of Miss Molly talking to students with the 6 Be's written out
🎉🎉Our 7th grade KNIGHTS WIN! 🏀 They are advancing to the state finals this SATURDAY!🏆🎖 The BIG GAME will take place at Kingsley Junior High! ⏰ It all starts at 2.30 - you don't want to miss this! 💥 Let's fill the stands with a SEA OF PURPLE, 🟣🟪 and make some noise and CHEER ON OUR BOYS! 💪👏 WE'RE PROUD OF YOU, KNIGHTS! 👊 Let's bring home the gold! 🥇 #StateBound #KnightsBasketball #BringItOn #WeAreD87
5 months ago, District 87
Boys basketball state finals graphic
🗣️ The spotlight shines on our BHS students who competed in their first ever mock trial competition, hosted by our neighbors at Normal West! ⚖️ The Mock Trial is a new activity to BHS this year that is run through the Illinois State Bar Association. Here's recognizing the students who participated: 👨‍💼 Attorneys: Nery Mejia, Haleigh Hoffman, Cordell Decker 🙎‍♂️ Defendant: Clien Kitchens 🙎‍♀️ Plaintiff: Jenna Pirtle 👥 Witnesses: Abi Hughes, Ashleigh Glam And they did more than just participate. Clien, Jenna and Ashleigh earned the Best Witness awards 🏆, while Haleigh, Nery, and Cordell walked away with the coveted titles of Best Attorneys! Three cheers for the team! 🎉 Keep up the good work and continue to shine! #MockTrial #BestWitness #BestAttorney #WeAreD87 🗣 ️¡El reflector está sobre nuestro maravilloso equipo de Discurso y Debate de BHS, quien compitió en la primera ronda de simulación de juicio, organizada por nuestros vecinos de Normal West! ⚖️ La Simulación de Juicio es una nueva actividad de este año en BHS que corre por la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Illinois. Demos nuestro reconocimiento a los estudiantes que participaron: 👨‍💼Abogado: Neri Mejia. Haleigh Hoffman, Cordell Decker. 🙎‍♂️ Defensor: Clien Kitchens 🙎‍♀️ Demandante: Jenna Pirtle 👥 Testigos: Abi Hughes, Ashleigh Glam Y ellos hicieron más que solo participar. Clien, Jenna y Ashleigh ganaron el premio 🏆 al ¡Mejor Testigo!, mientras Haleigh, Neri y Cordell se llevaron el título de ¡Mejores Abogados! ¡Demos tres felicitaciones al equipo!🎉 Sigan adelante con el buen trabajo y continúen brillando! #SimulaciondeJucio #MejorTestigo #MejorAbogado #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Mock trial participants
Mock Trial Students
🏀Let's hear it for our BJHS 7th grade boys basketball team - they beat Evans to take home the Regional Championship!🏆 With this huge win, they advance to sectionals and will play tonight in Macomb! Go Knights- we are all rooting for you- we can't wait to see you bring your best game!💪 #BJHSBasketball #GoKnights #BasketBallChamps #WeAreD87 🏀 Escuchemoslo de nuestro equipo de basketball de BJHS - ¡ellos vencieron a Evans y se llevaron a casa el Campeonato Regional! 🏆 ¡Con esta grandiosa victoria, avanzan a seccionales y jugarán esta noche en Macomb!¡Vamos Knights - todos estamos animandolos- no podemos esperar para verte dar tu mejor juego!💪 #BJHSBasketball #VamosKnights #CampeonatodeBasketBall #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
7th grade basketball team champions graphic
🛍️ The Wolf Store was all the buzz at Washington today! Classes took a special trip to spend their hard-earned Wolf Bucks at January's pop-up store! 💰 Added bonus- today was also popcorn day!🍿 So not only did the Wolves get to shop till they dropped, but also enjoyed some yummy popcorn.🍿 A big shout-out 📣 to our amazing volunteers who ran the shop and prepared popcorn for the school. #TheWolfStore #WashingtonWolves #PopcornDay #WeAreD87
5 months ago, District 87
Shopping at the Wolf Store
Shopping at the Wolf Store
showing what was bought at the Wolf Store
showing what was bought at the Wolf Store
🛍️ The Wolf Store was all the buzz at Washington today! Classes took a special trip to spend their hard-earned Wolf Bucks at January's pop-up store! 💰 Added bonus today was also popcorn day!🍿 So not only did the Wolves get to shop till they dropped, but also enjoyed some yummy popcorn.🍿 A big shout-out 📣 to our amazing volunteers who ran the shop and prepared popcorn for the school. #TheWolfStore #WashingtonWolves #PopcornDay #WeAreD87
🛍️ The Wolf Store was all the buzz at Washington today! Classes took a special trip to spend their hard-earned Wolf Bucks at January's pop-up store! 💰 Added bonus today was also popcorn day!🍿 So not only did the Wolves get to shop till they dropped, but also enjoyed some yummy popcorn.🍿 A big shout-out 📣 to our amazing volunteers who ran the shop and prepared popcorn for the school. #TheWolfStore #WashingtonWolves #PopcornDay #WeAreD87
Shopping at the Wolf Store
Shopping at the Wolf Store
showing what was bought at the Wolf Store
Shopping at the Wolf Store
✨ It's on! The Battle of the Buildings for the D87 attendance competition is set for Jan. 31st! 💪 Every school in the district is fired up and ready! 🏆 Meanwhile, BJHS is also celebrating the successful December attendance challenge it held. For students who had 2 or fewer excused absences during December were entered in a special drawing. 🎟️ 🍽️ And the mouth-watering prize? A delicious family meal from Annie's Eats!🧆 🎉 One winner from each grade level was drawn. Huge congratulations to the winners and their families for supporting and encouraging good attendance! Let's continue to encourage and celebrate good attendance habits! 👨‍🏫🎉 #AttendanceMatters, #BattleOfTheBuildings #WeAreD87 ✨ ¡Es oficial! La Batalla de Escuelas del D87 por la competencia de asistencia perfecta este 31 de enero, despega oficialmente! 💪¡Cada escuela del distrito está lista y motivada! 🏆 Mientras tanto BJHS también está celebrando la asistencia perfecta del mes de diciembre con el reto que llevaron a cabo. Los estudiantes que tuvieran 2 o menos ausencias justificadas entraron a una rifa especial. 🎟️ 🍽️ ¿Y cuál era el premio que hacía agua la boca? ¡Una deliciosa comida familiar de Annie 's Eats! 🧆 🎉 Un estudiante de cada grado participó en la rifa. ¡Felicidades a los ganadores y a sus familias por apoyar el compromiso de la buena asistencia! ¡Continuemos animando y celebrando los hábitos de una buena asistencia! 👨‍🏫🎉 #LaAsistenciaImporta #BatalladeEscuelas #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Attendance winners
💨 After a few chilly and icy days, our D87 students are back in class today! 💪 🏠🎓 From home desks to kitchen tables, our students were taking remote learning to the next level! Check out some of our awesome students (and staff) adapting and excelling in their home learning environments the past couple of days. #D87BackInClass, #D87Strong, #RemoteLearning #WeAreD87 💨¡Después de unos fríos y congelados días, nuestros estudiantes del D87 están de regreso en clases regulares el dia de hoy!💪 🏠🎓¡Desde escritorios en casa a mesas de cocina, nuestros estudiantes llevaron el aprendizaje remoto al siguiente nivel! Checa a algunos de nuestros estudiantes (y miembros del personal) adaptando y destacando su ambiente de aprendizaje en casa en los pasados días. #D87EstadeRegresoenClases #FuerteD87 #Aprendizaje Remoto #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
Student doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Students on a computer screen as a class doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Mrs. shook doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
Student doing remote learning at home
📣 Big news! 🙌 We've made some history here at ton the BHS court. Last week, a ground-breaking event took place - we had the first-ever ALL-FEMALE crew officiating a Raider's Basketball game 🏀! Let's hear it for our lady refs 👏👏- What a remarkable event for BHS and Raider's Basketball! This is one for the books indeed! 🎉🎉🎉 #BHSRaiders #girlpower #historicmoment #WeAreD87 📣 ¡Grandes Noticias! Hicimos historia en la corte de BHS. La semana pasada, - un emocionante evento se llevó a cabo- tuvimos por primera vez un equipo completamente FEMENIL oficializando un juego de Basketball de Raiders🏀 ! Escuchemoslo de nuestros referis femeniles - ¡¡¡Que evento tan destacado en BHS y para el Basketball de Raiders!!! ¡ Este sin duda es un evento para recordar!🎉🎉🎉 #BHSRaiders #PoderFemenil #MomentoHistorico #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
2 female referees at BHS!
📢 Attention, District 87 Families! 📢 Due to continued ice accumulation and persistent hazardous road conditions, we've decided to close all District 87 schools for tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 23. We will once again be having a Remote Learning Day. Details and instructions for activities and lessons will be posted on school websites and/or sent to emails.. 🖥️👨‍🏫 Please stay tuned to our website, emails, and social media platforms for updates on afternoon activities or further cancellations. During these icy times, we appreciate your understanding and support as we prioritize our students' safety above all else. 🌨️❄️ Please make sure to stay warm and safe at home! #SchoolClosure #RemoteLearning #StaySafeStayWarm #WeAreD87 📢 ¡Atención, Familias del Distrito 87!📢 Debido a las persistentes y peligrosas condiciones de los caminos, hemos decidido cerrar las escuelas del Distrito 87 el día de mañana martes 23 de enero. Tendremos de nueva cuenta un Día de Aprendizaje Remoto. Los detalles y las indicaciones para las actividades y lecciones serán publicados en los sitios web escolares o enviados por correo electrónico. 🖥️👨‍🏫 Por favor manténgase atento a la página web, emails y a las plataformas de los medios sociales escolares para actualizaciones en las actividades de la tarde y futuras cancelaciones. Durante estos tiempos helados, apreciamos su comprensión y apoyo mientras priorizamos la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes sobre todo lo demás. 🌨️❄️ ¡Por favor asegúrese de cobijarse y mantenerse a salvo en casa! #CierreEscolar #AprendizajeRemoto #MantenteaSalvoyCobijado #SomosD87
5 months ago, District 87
winter weather graphic